Monday, December 15, 2008

The Madhouse

Here's the thing about teaching. If you don't succumb to the madness, you might actually discover that teaching is one of those jobs that never gets old, never becomes the same day in and day out, never fails to challenge you and never fails to exhaust you to the very depths of your being.
Of course, if you do succumb to the madness, you will probably also discover that teaching is one of those jobs that never gets old blah-blah-blah.

But there's no difference between the two, you exclaim. Oh, but there is, I say, it's a miniscule, tiny, nuance that is easy to overlook, but it's there all the same. Ultimately, if you do not succumb to the madness, I daresay, one day in the not so distant future, you will find yourself racing around the building like a madman, tearing your hair out by its roots and shrieking in acronyms, "The MAP, no the DIBELS, no the DRA, on the PR form, the PR form, why don’t you understand what I’m saying???" On the other hand, if you do succumb to the madness, while you will undoubtedly still be shrieking and bald, you will probably also enjoy the journey into insanity a whole lot more.
So, my friends, welcome to the madhouse. Here's hoping you succumb and embrace the madness within!

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